
For Students News Student Succes Coaching

Stay the course…

Dear Students,

As Student Success Coaches, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate with you directly. We understand that your academic journey can be challenging, but please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

We want to remind you that your success is our top priority. We are here to provide you with guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you need assistance with time management, study skills, or navigating the university, we are here to help.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. For this reason we have created this entry to provide you with a direct message and to be able to contact us more directly. We hope you enjoy.

Student Success Coaches

Stay the course…

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As we still consider this year new, make this time about continuing to grow “you.” Not outcomes (or even incomes)- you. Anything you want starts with you anyway! Consider the Be-Do-Have model: who a person needs to be to accomplish the goal; what a person needs to do to accomplish the goal; what a person will have in accomplishing the goal. Truth be told, most of us function from Have-Do-Be [once I have, I’ll do, then be] or Do-Have-Be [the more I do, the more I’ll have, the better I’ll be] models, oftentimes setting ourselves up to live passively and with reliance on external factors out of our control. But we are not bystanders in and of our lives!

When we start with be-coming the person we need to be, we acknowledge our power. With this model we renew our thinking, our will, and our emotions (be), to walk in the fullness of a blueprint (do) designed with fruitful expectation (have). And as we reciprocally engage our works and our faith, we magnetically influence the world around us to meet our needs. So no matter when, make time and review your plans now to ensure that they start with you living as the best version of yourself for the life you desire and deserve. Because regardless of what you may think, you are the most powerful model for your life. So become the leader that you want to follow- from there is where it all flows. Are you with me?

Dr. Jaché Williams

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4 Ways Universities Can Use AI to Streamline Operations

4 Ways Universities Can Use
AI to Streamline Operations

As enrollment in higher education continues trending down, colleges and universities need to get creative in order to strengthen their margins and maintain profitability. At the same time, they need to figure out how to improve the student experience to buck enrollment trends.

One way to accomplish these goals is by making smart investments in technology. For example, by investing in artificial intelligence (AI) tools—and AI-powered chatbots in particular—institutions of higher learning can provide their students with better support while empowering their staff to focus on higher-level initiatives and tasks.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at four specific ways AI chatbots can help universities and colleges streamline operations and save money to crystallize profitability in the face of declining enrollment.

1. Reducing call and email volume

When you invest in leading chatbot solutions, you empower students to self-serve information at their own convenience. For example, a student might have a simple question about where to send payment or when enrollment opens for the next semester. When extrapolated across thousands of students and prospective students, however, the ability to answer simple questions can be severely hampered, impacting enrollment and retention, thus delivering a negative student experience. A chatbot can easily answer these types of routine questions in higher volumes, freeing staff from having to respond to the same inquiries over and over again while successfully meeting students’ needs.

A full-featured chatbot solution will be available across channels. Whether someone’s going to the website, calling on the phone, sending a text, or shooting an email over, a bot can answer routine questions. In turn, this saves staffers a great deal of time which can be invested in higher-value activities.

With the time saved by implementing a chatbot, you will be able to repurpose your existing staff to handle the more significant and complex interactions with students. For example, a first-generation prospective student might speak with a financial aid advisor to explain that they really want to go to college but they’re not sure if they’ll be able to afford it and want to know more about their financial aid options. This is the type of conversation you want your staff to have the time to engage in. On the flip side, if a new freshman is curious about where the library is located on campus, the chatbot can provide the library address and a map of campus. The vast majority of student inquiries fall into the latter category, making an omnichannel chatbot essential in providing 24/7 access to resources and information.

Recently, one large state university that had been outsourcing calls and emails to a third-party contact center invested in chatbot technology. Thanks to that investment, they were able to deflect 75 percent of calls and messages by utilizing the bot for tier 1 inquiries. Ultimately, this enabled them to bring their contact center back in-house again, saving a significant amount of money along the way.

Similarly, Broward College saved upward of $500,000 using chatbot technology. At the same time, chatbots helped Temple University reduce call volumes by 50 percent.


2. Streamlining the application process

Ultimately, higher education institutions make money when students enroll in school. This is why it’s so important to build a streamlined, optimal application process that maximizes the chances a prospective student will complete it.

This is another area where chatbots can be particularly helpful. For example, if a student begins the application process but walks away midway through it, an AI chatbot can automatically nudge them: “It’s been 10 days since you looked at your application. Is there anything we can do to help you through this process?”

These automatic reminders require no human involvement. They’re an easy way to increase the likelihood that students will complete their applications, which should translate into better enrollment figures. Additionally, the chatbot can have knowledge of each field within the application, allowing the prospective student to ask questions about how to complete the required field. If the bot’s answer isn’t sufficient, an Admissions Advisor can intervene and provide assistance via live chat, increasing the likelihood of application submission.

3. Increasing availability and accessibility

AI chatbots don’t need to eat, sleep, or take breaks. And that means that they work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whenever students have questions, they can self-serve answers via the chatbot—even when your entire staff is asleep.

This is a godsend for both traditional students and nontraditional ones, like the folks who have full-time jobs and can’t call admissions during the day. At the same time, leading chatbot solutions offer multilingual support. This enables international students to find the information they need easily, too.

Taken together, this increased availability and accessibility translates into better margins because all student populations have access to the information they need when they need it, which strengthens their experience and improves the chances they’ll ultimately enroll.

4. Improving operational efficiency

Higher education, like all other industries, is having a difficult time hiring enough workers to fulfill their missions. Thanks to chatbot technology, colleges and universities can overcome labor shortages by increasing operational efficiency and enabling staff to do more with less.

At a high level, chatbots improve operational efficiency across campus, which improves the staff and student experience. Instead of having to endure long wait times, students can get answers to their questions quickly, increasing satisfaction.

At the same time, staff can handle calls faster and have better-informed conversations when they need to intervene. Rather than being forced to track down information from their colleagues to address student concerns, that runaround is eliminated.

What’s more, because chatbots help provide a smoother application and enrollment process, the yield rate increases. And because the chatbot can also nudge students to make account payments automatically, checks come in faster, accelerating cash flow—all without human intervention.

As you can see, chatbots can have a profound impact on university operations, making life easier for staff and students alike. A simple investment in chatbot technology may be just what your university needs to weather the current storm academia faces.

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For Students News Student Succes Coaching

Welcome to 2023!!

Dear Students,

As Student Success Coaches, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate with you directly. We understand that your academic journey can be challenging, but please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

We want to remind you that your success is our top priority. We are here to provide you with guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you need assistance with time management, study skills, or navigating the university, we are here to help.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. For this reason we have created this entry to provide you with a direct message and to be able to contact us more directly. We hope you enjoy.

Student Success Coaches

Welcome to 2023!!

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And just like that, a new year has begun! Welcome to 2023! No matter where you are on your academic journey, January always seems to represent fresh newness, a chance to do something different and set new goals. Whether you are in you second semester of your Freshman year, or in your Senior year and 5 months from graduation (Yes!)…carve out space to refocus on your plan for success. Reaffirm your goals. Revamp if necessary. And don’t feel bad if you have to! Successful people are constantly reviewing their previous goals and making them stronger. As you create, reaffirm or revamp your goals, add a few things. Promise yourself that this year you will Be kind to yourself. Be honest with yourself. And suspend your judgement of yourself. Allow yourself to be human. Make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. Turn failures into opportunities for growth. 2023 is going to be a new adventure for all of us. I’ve heard it said that life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. May this year be filled with those beautiful, adventurous moments! Here’s to a FANTASTIC 2023!

Happy New Year!!!

Dr. Ndala Booker

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The 3 Best Note-Taking Apps

The 3 Best Note-Taking Apps

Taking notes used to be so simple. She would take out a sheet of parchment, dip her quill in ink, and begin to write. In 2023, we’re faced with a dizzying array of note-taking tools and apps. How do you choose which one to use? Here are the top 3 note-taking apps you can use back to school:


Offers a powerful, database-driven note-taking experience that’s unlike most apps out there.


  •  Flexible pages. Notion has a template engine that allows you to turn pretty much anything into an easily-duplicated template, including a multi-layered collection of pages. It also has great media embedding and previewing tools, including a gallery view for photos and videos.
  •  Powerful tables. Tables in Notion aren’t just charts; they’re databases. Think of Notion’s databases as Google Docs + Google Sheets. Every row in a table is its own Notion page that you can go into and update.
  •  Nested hierarchical organization. You’re probably tired of this. But Notion does this. You can even turn a set of text into a dropdown so you can roll it up when you want non-immediate information out of the way.
  •  Hybrid editor. Notion lets you write in Markdown or use normal keyboard shortcuts and UI elements to format your text.
  •  Free personal accounts. As long as you don’t mind the 5 MB file upload limit, Notion’s free plan offers everything you need to take notes.

Cons: No offline support. Currently, you need to have an internet connection to use Notion. The team is working to change this, but it’s a big limitation at the moment.

Price: Free

Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web


Evernote is a cross-platform note-taking app that’s great for processing hand-written notes and clipping articles from the web. The price, however, could be prohibitive on a student budget.


  •  Multiple file formats. If you’re on a paid plan, Evernote can hold anything your professor throws at you: PDFs, PowerPoints, the 3 different sheets of requirements for one project. One fun extra: If you paste a Google Docs link, Evernote creates a Google Drive icon in-line and changes the URL to the name of the doc.
  •  Scanner for mobile. You can use Evernote as a scanner to take photos of pages of books when you don’t want to pay for photocopying. It also has optical character recognition.
  •  Web clipper for browsers. Great for saving those New York Times articles that are hidden behind a paywall so you can use them for your essay later. You can pick how much of the page you want to capture: everything, just the article text, or a highlighted selection of text.


  •  Limited organization. Imagine your study area’s desk: You have notebooks lying around that contain class notes, random doodles, and frustrated journal entries. You can pile up semi-related notebooks into stacks. You can put sticky notes or flags into pages of the notebook that contain certain topics you want to refer to. That’s the extent of organization with Evernote: stacks, notebooks, notes, and tags.
  •  No Markdown support. If you typically write in Markdown to speed up your writing process, you’ll find its lack of support in Evernote frustrating.
  •  Pricey. If you use Evernote to scan documents and save research papers as I do, the 60 MB included in the free plan won’t cut it. And if you want to use it with more than 2 devices or use optical character recognition, you have to go Premium. At least students get 50% off Premium for a year.

Price: $7.99 / month

Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web


Microsoft’s free cross-platform note-taking app gives Evernote a run for its money, though the interface leaves something to be desired.


  • Totally. Free. It has everything Evernote can do, but there’s no premium tier. So you get the full feature set out of the box.
  • On basically all the platforms (for free). Just had to emphasize this: With OneNote, you get unlimited devices — a feature that other note-taking apps, like Evernote and Bear, keep behind a premium subscription.
  • Freeform. Unlike Evernote, you can put text boxes everywhere on the screen for OneNote. You can draw. You can even change the background to look like a ruled notebook!


  • Even less organization than Evernote. It lacks note sorting options, such as sorting notes by newest created or newest modified.
  • Messy interface + Limited tagging capabilities. With OneNote, you have notebooks and dividers within notebooks. Then you can also indent notes within notes. But it’s all over the user interface: notebooks on the left, dividers up top, then notes on the right. I’m a messy note-taker myself, but c’mon.

Price: Included with a Microsoft 365 subscription (starting at $69.99 / year). Check if you have free access through your school or company.

Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web

There are a lot of note-taking apps out there. And as with most recommendations, you have to figure out what works for you.
I hope that this list will help you decide on your note-taking app, whether it’s on this list or not.

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For Students News Student Succes Coaching

All the Benefits of Having a Student Success Coach

All the Benefits of Having
a Student Success Coach

A Student Success Coach (SSC) is an individual with experience and knowledge in a certain vocation, profession, or field of study. SSC provide guidance and support to students, who seek their advice and counsel. Together, the a Student Success Coach and the student work to identify strengths, weaknesses, and strategies for accomplishing short- and long-term goals.

Support for Growth
Individuals often seek out a SSC when beginning a new career or enhancing their skills in a certain field. The best SSCs understand the complexities of each mentee’s path and provide the support to keep them encouraged and motivated. Whether you’re starting from scratch with zero experience or building upon your current career, a SSC acts as a pillar of support for your individual growth.

Helping with Setting Goals
Goal setting helps to create clear expectations and a plan for executing those goals in the future. Learning a new skill or trade can feel daunting, but a SSC helps you create obtainable goals and track your progress. Most introductions with a SSC begin with laying out your goals and determining milestones or timelines to work within to achieve those goals. For instance, the graduate Lyndsie Jones reflects on how her SSC helped create a manageable checklist to earn her degree: “Listening to my SSC was critical. I was overwhelmed every single day, but I knew if I did a little bit that my SSC asked me to complete, it would add up to finishing each step.”

Holding You Accountable
Accountability is a key aspect of the SSC-student relationship. It’s important to have regular check-ins to assess goals and determine areas of improvement. Oftentimes, SSC set a schedule to meet with their mentees in person, by phone, or via email. These meetings provide accountability and a time to assist if the mentee needs help getting back on track with their goals. Practicing active accountability in this manner is a valuable tool for self-improvement in your personal and professional life.

Making Connections
Coaches also help in building their SSC’s professional network, connecting them to potential opportunities or individuals. Many SSCs are seasoned experts in their fields, and a reference from them has the potential to open doors to internships or job opportunities. Moreover, the practice of finding an established advisor in your field to connect with and learn from is beneficial long-term.

Receiving Constructive Feedback
Constructive feedback is an essential process of growth. SSC help provide an objective perspective on the areas an individual may not be able to see clearly themselves. Unlike the sometimes biased feedback received from a friend, a SSC holds your success and personal growth as the highest priority. Additionally, the practice of receiving constructive feedback from a SSC helps the mentee have a healthier outlook on feedback via employer reviews in their career.

Different Learning Strengths
Every individual has their own unique needs and style of learning. SSC are often trained to help understand, support, and advocate for their mentee’s individual differences. For example, a SSC hosting an evening study group for a working mom who is going back to school can be life changing. With a wealth of resources at their fingertips, SSCs can guide individuals to understand their learning needs and build a plan of action around those strengths. Furthermore, working one-on-one with a SSC helps cultivate your verbal communication skills, which is important for collaboration in the workplace.

How to Choose a Student Success Coach
Unlike traditional models of higher education, where the majority of the responsibility for success is on the student, FQ’s SSCc provide customized support for each student to reach their highest potential. The SSC role is one of support and guidance with regular check-ins, accountability, course advising, and connection to resources. The SSC and student work collectively to set goals and take action towards achieving academic success.

Your road to success starts here, we will help you find the SSC you are looking for.

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For School For Students News

Top HBCU Rankings 2022: Top Black Colleges

Top HBCU Rankings 2022:
Top Black Colleges

The U.S. News and World Report website have released its HBCU Rankings 2022 list. Every year, the institution publishes a list of the nation’s top Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The U.S. News has made it its mission to help students find the right college fit by providing informative college news, advice, and authoritative rankings.

HBCU Rankings 2022 Criteria
To be considered for this list of the top HBCUs in the United States, schools must meet specific criteria defined by the U.S. News. For one, schools are part of the White House and U.S. Department of Education’s Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Secondly, a candidate should be an undergraduate baccalaureate-granting institution focusing on enrolling first-year, first-time students rather than non-traditional students.

Rankings Methodology
Furthermore, colleges and universities included in the rankings should have appeared in the previous year’s Best Colleges rankings. Generally, qualitative and quantitative measures are used to determine the U.S. News and World Report’s rankings. The criteria include student retention, assessments, financial resources, graduation rates, student indebtedness, and more.

79 HBCUs were eligible to be included in the HBCU Rankings 2022 list. However, only 78 ranked HBCUs made it to the list. As you contemplate your college options, here is a list of the top 25 HBCUs, according to the U.S. News, you should keep in mind.

HBCU Rankings 2022: The Top 25 Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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For School For Students News Partners

Why is Online Education Crucial for Success in the Tech Age

Why is Online Education Crucial for Success in the Tech Age

The world of online education is evolving at a rapid pace. With the tech age upon us, online education has become crucial to success in order to stay up-to-date with technology and trends. The following are the reasons online education is crucial for success in the tech age.

It’s Easier To Create A Network

In online courses, you’ll meet a bunch of people you can later stay in touch with and make valuable contacts. The people over at Learning Revolution will explain how crucial networking is for your online education. Creating these communities online can be easier than in person. Plus, online courses allow you to learn from a variety of people and different backgrounds through online discussions with students or even a video chat session with a professor!

The fact that online education is faster-paced also means it’s easier to create connections. It offers more opportunities for networking as there are so many events going on at once! In the tech age, these skills will help you stand out among other job applicants. You’ll have access to experts who know all about what they teach right away if you need them to. So don’t worry about having anything holding you back when starting your online course today!

You Learn Things Schools Don’t Teach

More often than not, formal education will teach you all about your field, but won’t tell you how to make money with it. And online education is the quickest way to learn how to turn your skills and knowledge into profit.

Some things you’ll learn only online include the following:

  • How to market online
  • How you can make money with your skills
  • How to run a business
  • What you need to make it on your own
  • What the market is saying about your field of work

Schools don’t teach you how to turn your skills into profit. You have to do that research yourself, and it takes time away from studying at school.

It Keeps Up With Modern Trends

Following modern trends is essential in the tech age. By taking online courses, students are able to keep up with modern trends while still being in class and learning valuable skills that will help them later on down the line.

Schools don’t have the capacity to keep up with modern trends. Online courses are created by the online education system to keep up with modern trends and help students learn new skills so they can achieve their dreams in life.

Updating one’s self on things like technology is important for success in this day and age, which makes online classes a key part of any student’s learning experience now that schools don’t have the capacity to do it themselves anymore. Keeping up with modern trends without online classes would be impossible as most jobs require constant updating on current events happening around us every single day.

Online Education Is Constantly Being Upgraded

The online education industry is always developing new online platforms, academic courses, and educational paths to ensure that students continue learning online. Students can now choose from a much wider range of online degree options which are constantly being upgraded with the latest technologies available in this day and age.
Online education is one of the best ways for people all over the world to learn new skills or improve on their existing ones because it allows them access to online tools without having to leave home. Plus, online courses are highly convenient as they offer flexible schedules allowing learners complete control over how often they log into their accounts.

It’s A Cost-Effective Way To Get Education

Lots of people choose online courses because this type of education can be an affordable option. This is especially true for online classes since there are no travel costs or other expenses that come with taking a traditional class on campus. Online courses also tend to have fewer restrictions than their in-person counterparts, allowing students the freedom to manage their time and work around personal schedules.

Online Courses Are Flexible

In a fast-paced world, it’s good to have flexible educational options. Unlike brick-and-mortar schools, online courses allow students to take classes that fit into their schedules. The tech age has made the world more mobile than ever before. People are traveling for various reasons at all hours of the day and night. By providing flexible learning opportunities through online education, universities can better help innovative professionals grow in their careers by giving them access when they need it most.

Online education is the way of the future. It’s easier to network and create a community and you’ll learn things schools don’t teach you, like how to run a business. It always keeps up with modern trends and is constantly developing along with the tech industry meaning you won’t leave anything out. Aside from all that, it’s cheaper than formal education and the classes are more flexible meaning you can also focus on developing other fields of interest while learning. Enroll now and go with the flow!

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For School For Students News Partners

College Enrollment Declines Again Though Online Schools, HBCUs See Increases

College Enrollment Declines Again Though Online Schools, HBCUs See Increases

About 1.5 million fewer students are enrolled than before the pandemic, says report from National Student Clearinghouse.

College enrollment dropped for the third consecutive school year after the start of the pandemic, dashing universities’ hopes that a post-Covid rebound was at hand.



The rate of the decline has slowed this fall, with college enrollment dropping 1.1% since last autumn. Over the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, enrollment fell about 6.5%, according to the National Student Clearinghouse, a nonprofit that released a report Thursday.

About 1.5 million fewer students are enrolled in college than before the pandemic, according to the nonprofit.

“I certainly wouldn’t call this a recovery,” said Doug Shapiro, executive director of the research center at the National Student Clearinghouse. “After two straight years of historically large losses in student enrollment it’s particularly troubling that the numbers have not climbed back at this point, especially among freshmen.”

Online schools and historically Black colleges and universities were among the few categories of schools to enroll more students in the fall, data show. The shift reflects a change in the way students say they are choosing their colleges. 

University enrollment was sinking for a decade before the pandemic and this year’s rate marks a return to that earlier, slower pace of decline. Factors contributing to enrollment’s long-term slide include concerns about student debt and the rise of alternative credentials.

Less selective private colleges, especially in the Midwest and Northeast have been hardest hit while the most prestigious schools, including most public flagship universities, have maintained strong enrollment numbers, according to the National Student Clearinghouse.

At online schools, where students take classes remotely, enrollment grew 3.2% from last fall, according to the Clearinghouse. For students aged 18-20, enrollment grew 23.4% over two years since fall 2020.


Scott Pulsipher, president of Western Governors University, which enrolled about 200,000 students online last year, said the number of 18-to-24-year-olds jumped to 11% of the student body from 6% five years ago.

Cost and value are attracting young people to online programs, he said. A lot of families can’t afford to pay for the extras colleges charge to enhance the campus lifestyle such as manicured grounds, large gyms and luxurious dormitories. They want to limit their expenses to those associated directly with teaching and learning.

Mr. Pulsipher said online education has evolved since its inception. “We’ve learned how to leverage technology to dramatically personalize learning in a way that can increase cognitive progress,” Mr. Pulsipher said.


Ryan Weger, 20 years old, was among the high-school students who enrolled at WGU during the pandemic. He earned a degree in a little less than a year for about $7,000 and now earns $65,000 a year as a data-center tech at Amazon in Northern Virginia. He also earned seven tech credentials while getting his degree.

“When I was considering going to WGU in high school the one con was that I wouldn’t get the campus experience,” Mr. Weger said. “But when I visit my friends in college I don’t feel like I really missed out on that much.”

HBCUs saw an enrollment uptick of more than 6% among freshmen. After years of struggling, HBCUs are on an upswing in the last two years, said Walter Kimbrough, interim executive director of the Black Men’s Research Institute at Morehouse College.

He attributes the increases to a cultural resurgence highlighted by Vice President Kamala Harris, an HBCU alum, as well as greater concern around racism following the 2020 murder of George Floyd. “Families are saying explicitly, I want to send my child to a place where they will feel safe,” Dr. Kimbrough said.

Temitope Soyombo, a freshman at Prairie View A&M University, an HBCU outside of Houston, said the sense of safety informed her decision to enroll. “It just feels better at an HBCU,” she said. “I’m more comfortable talking to my peers.”

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case involving college admissions and affirmative action this fall. If the court decides schools are no longer able to consider race in admissions, Dr. Kimbrough expects that would lead to a boost in HBCU enrollment.

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Puma Illustrates the Power of Black Excellence (We’re Legends)

Puma Illustrates the Power of Black Excellence (We're Legends)

“We Are Legends” is PUMA’s new storytelling and product developing platform celebrating Black excellence and cultural impact.

The collection seeks to honor the Black creatives trailblazing influence on cultural progression around the globe and strives to empower and amplify the voices of our Black community—our legends. Championed and led by an internal collective of Black designers, the name, “We Are Legends,” reminds us to celebrate the now in Black culture and not just the rich history of past. The “We Are Legends” mission is to both increase representation within the design industry and drive real change within the very communities we are celebrating. The collective established a three-pillar model to ensure this initiative is making a tangible impact over time through donation, awareness, and community. Through “We Are Legends,” PUMA aims to be the brand that fights for representation in the design industry and the world.

“The name, We Are Legends, comes from the idea of celebrating the now in Black culture. Often when we celebrate Black culture, we look to the past. However, our collective wanted to help change this narrative
by empowering people to speak up in their most authentic voices now, to create their own legacy that will be legendary,” said Ariel Weeks, chair of the PUMA B-Bold ERG and footwear merchandising manager.


Puma Illustrates the Power of Black Excellence (We're Legends) FocusQuest

“I am extremely proud to introduce the world to We Are Legends, a collective of Black designers who are a prime example of when employees step up to drive and be the change that they want to see. This first collection within the We Are Legends platform, The Yard, is a homage to the spirit of the beloved HBCU experience and a celebration of Black excellence.”

“The goal of We Are Legends is to not only tell stories that are authentic and highlight the beautiful aspects of Black culture, but through this platform PUMA will aim to lead the charge in activating the next generation of Black creatives through building early awareness and providing accessibility to roles in this industry via strategic partnerships, mentorship, and education,” said Michelle Marshall, director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (PUMA North America).

The debut collection within the We Are Legends platform, “The Yard,” is inspired by Homecoming–a tradition in many high schools and colleges in the United States where they welcome back former students and members. The collection features men’s and women’s apparel in a bright palette of maroon, purple, and orange. Designs use material mixing and multi-placed collegiate graphics that unify schools, yard culture, and heritage. PUMA classics like the Suede are revamped with modern accents, shapes, and a neo-archival head-to-toe style. Design details references styles worn by HBCU students in the past and currently, capturing the culture’s deep history and honoring their contributions to American style.

“The Yard,” the first collection under the We Are Legends platform will release globally on Oct. 1, 2022, on the PUMA app and at the New York City Flagship store. On Oct. 3, 2022, the collection will be available on and select retailers worldwide with a retail price range of $40 to $120.

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IBM Teams With 20 HBCUs to Address Cybersecurity Talent Shortage

IBM Teams with 20 HBCUs to Address Cybersecurity Talent Shortage

20 HBCUs will work with IBM to establish Cybersecurity Leadership Centers, giving students and faculty access to IBM training, software, and certifications at no cost.

During the National HBCU Week Conference convened by the U.S. Department of Education and the White House, IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced its collaboration with 20 Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs) to help them establish Cybersecurity Leadership Centers.

With 500,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the U.S., the need for expertise is critical: According to a recent IBM Security study, insufficiently staffed organizations average $550,000 more in breach costs than those that state they are sufficiently staffed.**

“Collaborations between academia and the private sector can help students prepare for success. That’s especially true for HBCUs because their mission is so vital,” said Justina Nixon-Saintil, Vice President, IBM Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG. “The Cybersecurity Leadership Centers we’re co-creating with Historically Black College and Universities epitomize our commitment to the Black community and STEM education; it also builds on our pledge to train 150,000 people in cybersecurity over three years.”

IBM will collaborate with the following 20 HBCUs across 11 states to co-create Cybersecurity Leadership Centers, helping to create talent for employers and opportunities for students. (Six of these collaborations were previously announced in May*)

  • Alabama – Alabama A&M University, Talladega College, Tuskegee University
  • Florida – Edward Waters University, Florida A&M University
  • Georgia – Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University*
  • Louisiana – Grambling State University, Southern University System*, Xavier University of LA*
  • Maryland – Bowie State University, Morgan State University*
  • Mississippi – Alcorn State University
  • North Carolina – North Carolina A&T State University*, North Carolina Central University
  • South Carolina – South Carolina State University*, Voorhees University
  • Texas – Texas Southern University
  • Virginia – Norfolk State University
  • West Virginia – West Virginia State University

Through IBM’s collaboration, faculty and students at participating schools will have access to coursework, lectures, immersive training experiences, certifications, IBM Cloud-hosted software, and professional development resources, all at no cost to them. This includes access to:

Cybersecurity curricula: IBM will develop for each participating HBCU, a customized IBM Security Learning Academy portal – an IBM client offering – including courses designed to help the university enhance its cybersecurity education portfolio. In addition, IBM will continue to give access to IBM SkillsBuild.

Immersive learning experience: Faculty and students of participating HBCUs will have an opportunity to benefit from IBM Security’s Command Center, through which they can experience a highly realistic, simulated cyberattack, designed to prepare them and train them on response techniques. Moreover, HBCUs’ faculty will have access to consultation sessions with IBM technical personnel on cybersecurity.

Software: Multiple IBM Security premier enterprise security products hosted in the IBM Cloud

Free Person Using Macbook Air Stock Photo
Professional development: Forums to exchange best practices, learn from IBM experts, and discover IBM internships and job openings

About IBM Education

As part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts, IBM’s education portfolio takes a personalized, diverse, and deep approach to STEM career readiness. IBM’s pro bono programs range from education and support for teens at public schools and universities, to career readiness resources for aspiring professionals and job seekers. IBM believes that education is best achieved through the collaboration of the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

IBM SkillsBuild is a free education program focused on underrepresented communities, that helps adult learners, and high school and university students and faculty, develop valuable new skills and access career opportunities. The program includes an online platform that is complemented by customized practical learning experiences delivered in collaboration with a global network of partners. The online platform offers over 1,000 courses in 19 languages on cybersecurity, data analysis, cloud computing and many other technical disciplines — as well as in workplace skills such as Design Thinking. Most important, participants can earn IBM-branded digital credentials that are recognized by the market. The customized practical learning experiences could include project-based learning, expert conversations with IBM volunteers, mentors, premium content, specialized support, connection with career opportunities, access to IBM software, among others. As of February 2022, IBM SkillsBuild operates in 159 counties and is supporting 1.72M learners since its launch.

About IBM Security

IBM Security offers one of the most advanced and integrated portfolios of enterprise security products and services. The portfolio, supported by world-renowned IBM Security X-Force® research, enables organizations to effectively manage risk and defend against emerging threats. IBM operates one of the world’s broadest security research, development, and delivery organizations, monitors 150 billion+ security events per day in more than 130 countries, and has been granted more than 10,000 security patents worldwide. For more information, please check, follow @IBMSecurity on Twitter or visit the IBM Security Intelligence blog.

* Announced in May 2022
** Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022, conducted by Ponemon Institute, sponsored & analyzed by IBM

Media Contact:

Ari Fishkind
IBM Media Relations

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