
News Student Succes Coaching

Welcome 2024

Dear Students,

As Student Success Coaches, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate with you directly. We understand that your academic journey can be challenging, but please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

We want to remind you that your success is our top priority. We are here to provide you with guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you need assistance with time management, study skills, or navigating the university, we are here to help.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. For this reason we have created this entry to provide you with a direct message and to be able to contact us more directly. We hope you enjoy.

Student Success Coaches

Welcome 2024

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Happy 2024 to all of you fantastic students of all kinds and every level – high schoolers, undergrads, grads, and certificate achievers! Welcome to a brand-new year filled with exciting possibilities!

As you dive into 2024, remember this: success is a journey, not a destination. It won’t always be a cakewalk, but oh, the adventure is so worth it! Think about it – no epic story started with, “Once upon a time, everything was easy.”

Persistence is your secret sauce! When the going gets tough (and it will), keep pushing forward. Trust me; the view from the top is way more spectacular when you’ve conquered some hurdles.

Now, let’s chat mindset and academic attitude. Be aware of them like your favorite Netflix show updates! Recognize any habits that might be dragging you down. Are you a midnight crammer or a procrastination pro? Identifying these quirks is your first step to supercharging your success.

As you embark on this academic adventure, don’t forget to sprinkle some fun, happiness, and peace into the mix. Life’s too short for all work and no play! Make friends, explore new interests, and savor every success, big or small.

Here’s to a year filled with growth, laughter, and discovering your awesome potential. You’ve got this! Cheers to your success and the countless adventures that lie ahead!

Ndala M. Booker, Ed.D.

Chief Student Success Officer

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Massasoit Community College Launches New Black Studies Major

Massasoit Community College Launches New Black Studies Major

In a pioneering move, Massasoit Community College, located in Massachusetts, has become the first two-year school in the state to offer a degree program in Black Studies. This initiative aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the Black experience through courses such as “Sociology of Race and Ethnicity” and “Contemporary Issues in the Black Community.”

The Decade-Long Journey

The roots of this groundbreaking program trace back a decade when student feedback highlighted the need for a more culturally diverse curriculum. “In 2020, as interest grew and Black student enrollment increased, Sauvignon crafted a Black Studies curriculum and submitted it to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The program got approval last spring.”

Dr. Sauvignon emphasizes that the program goes beyond catering solely to Black students. It serves as a platform for students from all backgrounds to gain insights into the Black experience, fostering understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. “It’s a good place in time right now, where critical race theory is being embraced, where understanding and appreciating cultures is being embraced, with racial equity and DEI initiatives being embraced.”

Shaping Future Perspectives

Renowned sociologist Dr. Elijah Anderson stresses the importance of understanding Black Studies as a reflection of American history. This innovative program is designed not only to empower Black students but also to enlighten students of all backgrounds about different cultural experiences. Dr. Shawn Utsey, professor of psychology, emphasizes how exposure to the Black narrative can reduce biases, particularly among those in law enforcement. “If we can expose them to let them know that Black folks are just different sometimes – there’s not anything to be afraid of – people would perhaps be less alarmed in the presence of Black people, and we will reduce the many, many mishaps that occur.”

Beyond Academia

The interdisciplinary approach of Massasoit’s Black Studies courses ensures that the knowledge gained isn’t confined to a singular academic pursuit. Credits from these courses count toward liberal arts and humanities elective requirements across various degrees and facilitate smooth credit transfers to four-year colleges. “The goal is to provide the foundation for Black students to understand who they are, where they come from, and where they can go. For non-Black students, it’s an opportunity to learn about different cultural experiences that would enhance their academic learning.”

Current Status and Future Goals

Though the program is in its early stages with three declared majors, leaders at Massasoit express optimism about its growth. They aim to increase visibility and enrollment through presentations and community collaborations, with hopes of expanding the program to include Women’s Studies and Latino Studies in the future. “Next fall, we’re obviously a lot more optimistic that we’ll see people actually going into the major.”

As Massasoit pioneers Black Studies in the community college landscape, it sets a precedent for embracing diverse perspectives and fostering a deeper understanding of cultural experiences.


#BlackStudies #Diversity #Education #InnovationInCurriculum #MassasoitCollege #HigherEducation


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5 Steps to Setting SMART Goals: Achieving Success in the New Year

5 Steps to Setting SMART Goals: Achieving Success in the New Year

The beginning of a new year marks a period of renewal and aspirations. While many embark on setting resolutions, the key to transforming these aspirations into accomplishments lies in crafting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound — SMART goals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting and achieving your SMART goals, offering valuable insights to keep you motivated and on track.

Step 1: Identify Your Goal

The foundation of any SMART goal is a clear identification of what you aim to achieve. Precision is crucial. Instead of a vague goal like “lose weight,” strive for specificity, such as “shed 10 pounds by June.” This clarity sets the stage for a well-defined path forward.

Step 2: Make it Measurable

A SMART goal is one that can be measured, allowing you to gauge your progress and adjust your efforts accordingly. Instead of a broad objective like “be more organized,” zero in on a measurable target: “clean and organize my closet by the end of the month.” This way, you can tangibly track your accomplishments.

Step 3: Make it Attainable

While ambition is commendable, ensuring your goal is attainable is equally essential. Realism should guide your aspirations. If you’ve never run a marathon before, a goal of completing one in a month might be unrealistic. Establish goals that are challenging yet realistically within reach.

Step 4: Make it Relevant

Your goals should align with your current situation and broader life objectives. If fitness improvement is the aim, a goal to become a professional basketball player may not be relevant unless basketball is already a significant part of your life. Relevance ensures your goals contribute meaningfully to your overall vision.

Step 5: Set a Deadline

Give your goal a sense of urgency by setting a deadline. Rather than a generic goal to “save money,” specify a target: “save $1,000 by December.” This not only provides clarity but also instills a timeframe for accomplishment, fostering commitment.


Tips for Staying Motivated and on Track
  • Break it Down: Complex goals can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable steps for a more achievable roadmap.
  • Track Progress: Keep a record of your journey. Celebrate small victories along the way to maintain motivation.
  • Remember Your Why: Revisit the initial inspiration behind your goal when motivation wanes. This reminder can reignite your drive.
  • Build a Support System: Surround yourself with individuals who understand your aspirations and offer encouragement. A supportive community can be a powerful motivator.


Setting SMART goals is more than a New Year’s tradition — it’s a proven strategy for turning dreams into reality. By following these steps and staying dedicated to your journey, you’re not just setting goals; you’re unlocking a path to success.


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Finishing Up for the Holidays with Focus and Finesse

Dear Students,

As Student Success Coaches, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate with you directly. We understand that your academic journey can be challenging, but please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

We want to remind you that your success is our top priority. We are here to provide you with guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you need assistance with time management, study skills, or navigating the university, we are here to help.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. For this reason we have created this entry to provide you with a direct message and to be able to contact us more directly. We hope you enjoy.

Student Success Coaches

Finishing Up for the Holidays with Focus and Finesse

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As we ride the academic sleigh into the twinkling lights of December, it’s time to gear up for that final sprint to the semester finish line! Here are a few notes to keep you in tune with success.

While the world is starting to wrap up in tinsel and holiday cheer, remember to unwrap your textbooks too! At almost every college/university, the holiday season sparkles with celebrations and parties, but don’t allow the glitter to distract you from your goals. Balance is the key to decking the halls and acing your exams, so celebrate wisely! Purposefully set aside time to hit the books. Prioritize study sessions over the mistletoe – your GPA will thank you! Don’t let those final projects linger like the last few pieces of popcorn in the Christmas popcorn tin! Carve out your space, set your intentions, and sleigh those assignments with purpose. You’ve got this!

Of course, once the semester snow globe settles, take a purposeful moment to exhale. You’ve sleighed the challenges, and now you deserve the break. Catch your breath and embrace the festive spirit. As you unwrap the gift of a break, don’t forget to spend quality time with family and friends. They’ve missed you during the semester hustle, so spread joy and make memories together. As you sip on hot cocoa and cozy up by the fire, enjoy every moment of your well-deserved holiday. You’ve earned it, and the new year is just around the corner!

From all us of here at FocusQuest, we wish you a December filled with focus, festivities, and fantastic memories. Cheers to a jolly holiday!

Ndala M. Booker, Ed.D.

Chief Student Success Officer

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Expanding our Focus and Embarking on a Quest for Success

Embarking on a "Quest for Success" with FocusQuest's New Course

In a bid to empower the next generation with essential life skills, FocusQuest has recently unveiled its latest educational offering – the “Quest for Success” course. Excitement surrounds the more than 50 middle school students who have embarked on this transformative journey, which kicked off in the month of October.

Expanding our Reach: FocusQuest is extending its educational impact beyond higher education. 

We now proudly offer courses that leverage our expertise to bring about positive change in middle and high school education, as well as lifelong learning beyond college and higher education. Acknowledging the crucial role of establishing a robust foundation for academic and personal success during these formative years, we are delighted to introduce our latest educational offering – the “Quest for Success” course.

What Does the Course Entail? 

The “Quest for Success” course is a comprehensive program comprising eight modules that delve into the fascinating realm of critical thinking. Each module addresses key aspects crucial for a student’s academic journey, including topics such as “Discovering Yourself as a Student,” “Time Management,” “Study Skills,” “Test-Taking Strategies,” and practical applications of critical thinking.

Featuring an In-depth 90-Page Booklet by the FQ Team  

As an integral part of the course, participants receive a 90-page booklet meticulously crafted by the FocusQuest team. This comprehensive resource serves as a guide throughout the program, providing additional insights, exercises, and valuable information to complement the module content.

Why is it Crucial for Middle School Students? 

The foundation for academic and personal success is laid during the formative years of middle school. Recognizing this pivotal stage, “Quest for Success” aims to equip young minds with indispensable skills. Critical thinking, time management, and effective study habits take center stage in this course. These skills not only contribute to academic excellence but also prepare students for the challenges that lie ahead.

An Investment in the Future 

Enrolling in “Quest for Success” is more than just participating in a course – it’s an investment in the future. FocusQuest believes in shaping well-rounded, thoughtful, and high-achieving individuals. By providing middle school students with the tools they need to navigate both academia and life, FocusQuest is paving the way for a generation of individuals poised for success.

As we witness the commencement of “Quest for Success” in the month of November, we anticipate the positive impact it will have on the lives of these middle school students, fostering a community of learners who are not just academically adept but also equipped with the skills to thrive in the complexities of life. Explore the full spectrum of our courses offerings and set the stage for academic excellence and students’ personal growth: FocusQuest Courses.

#education #course #academicskills

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Concluding the Year with a Broader Perspective

Concluding the Year with a Broader Perspective

The end of a year is an opportune moment to pause, look back, and appreciate the journey we’ve traversed. Reflecting mindfully allows us not only to acknowledge our achievements but also to learn from the challenges we’ve faced. In this article, we invite you to conclude the year with a broader perspective, leveraging mindful reflection to pave the way for the next chapter.

1. Celebrate Your Achievements: Take a moment to celebrate your successes, both big and small. What goals did you reach this year? Acknowledge your achievements and credit yourself for the hard work and dedication you put into them. Create an “achievements board” in apps like Trello or use an achievements journal to record and visualize your successes.

2. Face the Challenges: Life is full of challenges, and each obstacle is a learning opportunity. Reflect on the tough moments you faced this year. What have you learned from them? How have they strengthened you? Use mood tracking apps like Daylio to analyze emotional patterns and learn from challenges.

3. Define Your Priorities: What truly matters to you? Reflect on your core values and goals. Ensure your actions align with what is meaningful to you as you embark on the next year. Use goal-setting tools like Google Keep or Evernote to prioritize your core values and goals.

4. Plan for the Future: Use this time of the year to plan the next chapter of your life. Are there goals you wish to achieve? What practical steps can you take to move closer to them? Reflective planning can be your compass in the coming year. Planning and organization apps like Todoist or Microsoft To Do can help break down your goals into practical steps.

5. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for the experiences, people, and growth you’ve experienced. Gratitude not only focuses your mind on the positive but also connects you with the present. Maintain a gratitude journal on platforms like Gratitude Journal or simply use a special section in your favorite note-taking app.

6. Reflection Exercise: Answer these questions in a journal:

  • What were my major achievements this year?
  • What challenges did I face, and what did I learn from them?
  • What are my key goals for the next year?
  • How can I incorporate more meaningful moments into my daily life?


Conclude the year not just as a time marker but as a chapter full of learning and growth. By adopting a mindful perspective, you can move into the next year with clarity and determination. Wishing you a year-end filled with positive reflection and an exciting start to the next!


#YearEndReflection #CelebrateSuccess  #GoalSetting #FuturePlanning #NewBeginnings #PersonalGrowth #FocusQuest

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Let the Numbers Speak: The Transformative Impact of HBCUs on Higher Education

Let the Numbers Speak:
The Transformative Impact of HBCUs on Higher Education

The landscape of African American students in higher education is ever-evolving, and the statistics of today affirm the dynamic role Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play in reshaping the educational journey for all.

The Challenge: College Success

Despite significant advancements, challenges persist in ensuring the success of students of color in higher education, particularly among African Americans. A mere 45.9% of Black students enrolled in four-year public institutions complete their degrees within six years, marking the lowest rate compared to other ethnicities. Remarkably, African American men face even greater hurdles, with a completion rate of just 40%. This statistic is in stark contrast to the 33% of White Americans aged 25 and older who possess a bachelor’s degree, while only 19% of Black Americans hold this credential.

Financial barriers pose a significant obstacle for many African American students, with 72% of them incurring student loan debt, compared to 56% of their White counterparts. Though the percentage of African American college enrollment has risen from 10% in 1976 to 12.7% in 2019, access to the nation’s most prestigious institutions, which often carry exorbitant price tags, remains largely unchanged.

The Solution: HBCUs – Empowering Success

The success story unfolds with HBCUs. Although they comprise just 3% of U.S. higher education institutions, they enroll 10% of African American students and award nearly 20% of all African American degrees. HBCUs actively address the financial challenges faced by Black students. On average, the cost of attending an HBCU is 28% lower than that of a non-HBCU institution. Notably, 40% of HBCU students express financial security while in college, compared to 29% of Black students at other institutions.

The advantages of an HBCU education extend beyond graduation. A remarkable 25% of African American graduates with STEM degrees hail from HBCUs. Eight HBCUs rank among the top 20 institutions awarding the most science and engineering bachelor’s degrees to Black graduates from 2008 to 2012. Graduates of HBCUs can expect to earn an extra $927,000 in their lifetime, a 56% increase compared to their peers without HBCU degrees or certificates. From beginning to end, an HBCU education paves the way for undeniable success.

Recognizing the Pivotal Role of HBCUs

The numbers don’t just tell a story; they narrate a powerful testament to the transformative impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in today’s higher education landscape. As the statistics illuminate both the challenges and the solutions, it’s clear that HBCUs have been instrumental in redefining success for African American students.

While persistent challenges remain in ensuring the academic achievement of students of color, HBCUs have emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment. These institutions, constituting only 3% of the higher education landscape, enroll a remarkable 10% of all African American students and bestow nearly 20% of all African American degrees. They have been pivotal in addressing financial obstacles, offering an educational path that is not only more affordable but also more secure, with 40% of HBCU students reporting financial stability during their college years.

The profound advantages of an HBCU education extend well beyond graduation. A quarter of African American graduates with STEM degrees owe their success to HBCUs. Furthermore, eight HBCUs ranked among the top 20 institutions in awarding science and engineering bachelor’s degrees to Black graduates between 2008 and 2012. Graduates of HBCUs can expect to earn an astounding additional $927,000 in their lifetime, a 56% increase compared to their peers without the privilege of an HBCU education.

At FocusQuest, we recognize the pivotal role of HBCUs in empowering students and driving educational excellence. That’s why we proudly choose HBCUs to partner with, ensuring an educational experience that transforms lives and transcends statistics.

Through these institutions, we see a brighter, more equitable future in education. Join us on this transformative journey.

#HBCUs #HigherEducation #StudentSuccess #EducationalExcellence #EmpowerThroughKnowledge #DiversityInEducation #FinancialAccessibility #STEMEducation #HBCUSuccessStories #SuccessBeyondGraduation #FocusQuest

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Discover Your True Calling: Find Your Vocation

Discover Your True Calling:
Find Your Vocation

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of one’s true vocation often takes a back seat. We find ourselves caught up in the daily routine, juggling work, responsibilities, and endless to-do lists. However, there’s something profound about identifying your true vocation and following your passion. It’s not just about the job you do; it’s about the life you lead. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of vocation, its significance, and the benefits it brings.

1. What is Vocation?

Your vocation is more than a job or a career; it’s an inner calling that drives you to do what you love. It’s the pursuit of activities that align with your passions, values, and interests. This inner calling propels you to seek a path that resonates with your true self.

2. Why Is Finding Your Vocation So Important?
  1. Sense of Purpose and Happiness: Your vocation is deeply connected to your sense of purpose in life. When you follow your passion, you feel more fulfilled and happier. Each day, you wake up with a clear purpose and the satisfaction of doing what you love.
  2. Increased Motivation and Energy: When you work on what you love, motivation and energy flow naturally. It’s not a struggle to do what you’re passionate about; instead, you’re driven to give your best.
  3. Greater Resilience: Finding your vocation provides greater resilience in the face of challenges. When obstacles arise, your passion and commitment help you overcome them with determination.
  4. Enhanced Performance: Doing what you love tends to make you stand out. You find that you’re more competent and effective in your work because you’re engaged and motivated.
  5. Less Stress and Burnout: Jobs that aren’t aligned with your vocation can lead to stress and burnout. In contrast, following your vocation reduces the feeling of “burnout” and allows you to enjoy a healthy work-life balance.
  6. Meaningful Contribution: Often, your vocation aligns with a greater purpose. Finding your vocation provides you with an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the world through your actions.
  7. Personal Growth and Development: The pursuit of your vocation challenges you to grow and develop as an individual. You learn more about your strengths and weaknesses and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
  8. Inspiration to Others: When you follow your vocation, you can inspire others to do the same. Your passion and commitment can serve as an example for friends, family, and colleagues, motivating them to find their own path.
3. Identifying Your Strengths and Passions

One of the first steps in finding your vocation is self-assessment. What are your strengths? What activities are you passionate about?

4. Defining Your Goals and Objectives

Once you have a better understanding of your strengths and passions, it’s time to set clear goals and objectives.

5. Overcoming Obstacles

On the path to realizing your dreams, you’re likely to encounter obstacles and challenges.

6. Find Your True Vocation with FocusQuest

That’s why FocusQuest places so much emphasis on Student Success Coaches. They can help you explore and identify your skills and passions, assist you in charting a plan to achieve your goals, and provide emotional and strategic support to overcome those obstacles.

With the guidance of an FQ Student Success Coach, you’re ready to begin the journey of finding your true vocation. No matter how lost you may feel right now, there’s a path for you, and we’re committed to helping you discover it.

Discovering your vocation is a transformative journey that can lead to a life filled with passion, purpose, and joy. It’s a path that’s worth pursuing, as it brings benefits not only to you but also to those you inspire along the way.

Contact FQ and our Student Success Coaches today and start your quest to find your true vocation. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


#Vocation #Passion #Purpose #LifeGoals #SuccessCoaches #DiscoverYourPath #PersonalGrowth #Motivation #Resilience StudentSuccess #Mentorship #UnlockYourPotential 
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Unlocking Gratitude and Appreciating the Joy of Learning

Dear Students,

As Student Success Coaches, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate with you directly. We understand that your academic journey can be challenging, but please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

We want to remind you that your success is our top priority. We are here to provide you with guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you need assistance with time management, study skills, or navigating the university, we are here to help.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. For this reason we have created this entry to provide you with a direct message and to be able to contact us more directly. We hope you enjoy.

Student Success Coaches

Unlocking Gratitude and Appreciating the Joy of Learning

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As we celebrate the concept of gratitude in November, let’s take a moment to appreciate the wisdom of Albert Einstein. “Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong.”  In other words, don’t see studying as a chore, but as a fantastic chance to discover the amazing influence of beauty in the world of knowledge, for your own happiness and the benefit of the community you’ll later contribute to.

So, what did he mean by all of that? Well, in my opinion, I believe that he wanted us to view learning as a cool opportunity, not a boring duty. When we learn new things, it’s like opening a door to a world of wonder and understanding. This perspective encourages us to be thankful for all the knowledge out there that enriches our lives.

Einstein also talked about the “liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit.” In simple terms, I believe that he meant that learning isn’t just about facts and figures; it’s about feeling inspired and free. When we approach our studies with awe and appreciation, we not only enjoy it ourselves, but we also see how it can make the world a better place.

In the spirit of gratitude, we can be thankful for the gift of education, the chance to explore the amazing secrets of the universe, and the opportunity to make a positive impact on our communities. This mindset helps us appreciate that learning isn’t just for ourselves; it’s also about sharing our knowledge to make the world a better, cooler place. So, for November and beyond, let’s be grateful for all the awesome things we can learn and how we can use that knowledge to make a difference!

Ndala M. Booker, Ed.D.

Chief Student Success Officer

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Empowering HBCUs: Strategies for Sustaining Growth Amidst Declining Enrollment

Empowering HBCUs: Strategies for Sustaining Growth Amidst Declining Enrollment

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HBCUs have been facing many challenges that threaten their existence. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, during the 2018-19 school year, more than 6,000 fewer students attended the 101 black colleges and universities in the U.S. It is important to note that despite the decline overall, some HBCUs are growing.   

What measures can aid HBCUs facing a decline in student acquisition? 

The enrollment decline is a significant concern for HBCUs as it can lead to decreased funding and resources.  Partnering with companies that help with student acquisition and retention can benefit HBCUs in several ways. Here are some of the benefits: 

Enhanced Student Enrollment: Collaborating with companies specializing in student acquisition can boost the number of enrollees at HBCUs. Through these partnerships, HBCUs can extend their outreach, connecting with a broader and more diverse student demographic, thereby drawing in a larger student body to their institutions. 

Improved Retention: Partnering with companies specializing in student retention empowers HBCUs to elevate their retention rates. These collaborative efforts equip HBCUs with valuable tools and resources to support students in their academic and social success, ultimately contributing to increased student persistence. 

Development and Management of Online Programs: Online programs offer a flexible and accessible mode of education, allowing HBCUs to reach a broader and more diverse student population, transcending geographical boundaries. Online programs can serve as a cost-effective means to deliver quality education, thus reducing the financial burden on the institution and students. 

Financial Support: Some companies offer financial support to HBCUs that partner with them. This support can come in the form of scholarships, grants, or other types of funding. 

Networking Opportunities: Partnering with companies can provide HBCUs with networking opportunities. These opportunities can help HBCUs connect with potential employers and other organizations that benefit their students. 

Access to Resources: Collaborating with HBCUs can provide them with access to resources that they may not have otherwise. These resources can include technology, research facilities, and other tools that can help HBCUs improve their academic programs. 

In the face of declining enrollment and the challenges threatening their existence, HBCUs have a lifeline through strategic partnerships with companies, offering the hope and support needed to ensure their continued growth and success. 

Danielle Jennings, DBA, MBA.

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